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Why is belief in God more reasonable than no belief in God? Part 7: Philosophical Necessity

A man on the precipice of the universe
The Cosmos

The argument of philosophical necessity says that God must exist because the universe needs something that exists by itself and doesn’t rely on anything else to exist.

Most things we know, like people, animals, and planets, exist because of certain conditions. For example, humans need air, water, and food to live. These things could have not existed if the conditions were different. The argument says that there must be at least one thing that exists no matter what—something that doesn’t depend on anything else to exist. This is called a "necessary being."

If everything needs something else to exist, you could keep asking, “Well, what caused that?” forever, which doesn’t really explain how things started in the first place. This creates an endless loop with no real answer. To break this loop, there must be something that doesn’t need to be caused by anything else. This "necessary being" exists on its own and explains the existence of everything else.

The argument claims that this necessary being is God. God, in this view, is the only thing that has always existed and doesn’t depend on anything else, providing the reason why everything else can exist. The argument of philosophical necessity says that God must exist because something has to exist by itself to explain why anything else exists at all.

This contention that a necessary being must exist for infinity with no beginning or end is supported by several of the previous arguments I have already discussed. We must consider why we exist, and the fact that we do demonstrates a strain of thinking that no other "animal" in the world does. Humans ponder and philosophize while we see that other organisms do not. To believe that this kind of thought happens out of a chaotic primordial soup that supposedly was begat from matter that was inorganic and existed for infinity prior to its "activation" is much more difficult and not supported by any scientific inquiry we have conducted.

Belief in a necessary being removed from the "creation box" is much more easier to believe and is a necessary and logical belief in comparison to an physical occurrence that neither had the conditions or the matter to launch into an organized and apparently designed cosmos.

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